Oracle Card reading with Amber Carter

UR Beginner Witch
11 min readApr 16, 2019


Type of reading:

Mix of Oracle cards, pendulum and messages from your angels and guides.


If you would like a kind, compassionate, funny, yet truthful and honest reader, then I would highly recommend scheduling a session with Amber.

Get in touch with Amber!

If you want an amazing reading from Amber, get in touch with her her ASAP!

Learn more about the readings services she offers and/or book a reading at

And you guys!!! Readers will get a sweet 15% off with the code URBEGINNERWITCH when they book a reading of their choice!

Here’s what happened during our sesh:

Amber led our session with a brief, grounding and supportive meditation to open our hearts and allow us to connect to each other and our guides.

Once we were grounded, Amber used her pendulum to discern which of her many oracle decks had messages to share with me.

Of the five decks laid out in front of her, the pendulum chose two decks to choose cards from. My guides picked two decks by Kyle Grey, Angel Prayers and Keepers of the Light decks.

We started with the Angel Prayers deck. She shuffled cards and allowed them to pop out of the deck, or in my case, throw themselves onto the floor. Once they were assembled (six in all) and laid out in front of us, she used the pendulum to confirm that the cards had a message for me and if any more cards wanted to share a message.

Then we were off to the races. Here is what my spread looked like:

If you’re type-A like me, you love a good to-do list. Amber was able to interpret what my guides were saying and also give me action items on how to start working through some of the ideas my guides were giving me.

For example: VISION BOARDING. This came up with the Manifesting Miracles card. You want something? Cool, you can have it! But you MUST write it down in a story or put it on vision board.

Also go out into nature more (The Miracle of Nature card). Incorporating more nature in my everyday life and working on unconditional love are two things I’m working on BIG time and that showed up in my readings.

Also both decks had HUGE messages for me about honoring the divine feminine and that my creativity comes from the sacral chakra.

Onto the second deck: The Keepers of Light. Two cards popped out and they’re goodies:

Honestly, Ganesh and Kali are two of my favorites to work with and I have been starting to work with their energies over the past year or so. (I have a small Ganesh statue sitting by my computer as I type.)

Both cards are about abundance and removing obstacles but in different ways. I’m in a huge time of transition where anything that doesn’t serve me will be removed by both of these lovely guardians. Kali-Ma is going to remove anything within or without that is inauthentic (ego trips, other people’s perceptions etc).

Ganesh is more of a worldly obstacle remover. In the reading he showed up as a HUGE elephant knocking things out of the way so I can dream and think bigger (pretty cool, right?).

Overall, this reading was incredibly informative with lots of good, specific information and directives on how to reach your goals.

Who the heck is Amber and what is an Oracle card reading in 5 short(ish) questions!

Hi! Who are you?

Hi! My name is Amber L. Carter, but most of my friends call me AC. I’m a freelance writer, the author of three books, a professional intuitive, and an international fashion lifestyle brand (J/K. #RHONY4EVA)

What are your thoughts about magic? What is your understanding of magic?

This question seems so easy and yet it’s SO hard!! Let me answer it from the place I’m in right this minute — one of my favorite people/teachers on the planet right now is Radleigh Valentine, and he’s the perfect example of someone who is so authentically, vibrantly, joyfully himself that he also gives me full permission to be that way, as well. His motto is “Life is magical”, and sometimes, in the whirl of doing what feels like The Very Serious Work of living out my spiritual purpose, I actually kind of forget that the best part of spirituality is that it truly can make your life magical.

To me, magic is just playing with the divine energy that’s available to us all. To call in Oprah, a thing I know for sure is that when you allow yourself to open up to the concept that magic exists, and that it’s all around you, it’s sort of crazy how quickly it starts to appear in your life. It’s all just energy, and we all have access to it; we’re all intuitive, we all have spiritual gifts, and the universe is much more expansive than our cute lil’ human minds can even comprehend. Magic can be as practical as believing that gratitude begets more gratitude, or as lofty as believing in fairies, elves, and unicorns, simply because you want to believe they exist and also because, why can’t they?

How did you get started with Angel/Oracle card readings?

The most profound part of my spiritual journey has been connecting with my spirit guides, which is what led me to card reading. The first time I saw my guides appear in a guided mediation, about 15 years ago, I FREAKED — I was expecting these ethereal, wise, ancient figures in white, flowing Roman robes, and instead I saw a young man and woman walking down the beach in black, formal Victorian garb (the woman was even carrying a black lace parasol!). It was so jarring that I immediately pulled myself out of the trance and didn’t try to connect with them again for another five years.

By that time, I was much more comfortable with the expansive concepts of spirit guides, angelic guardians, past-lives, etc, and was deeply curious about how all of this stuff pertained to my own life. I had my first real-real tarot card reading by my now-close-friend Kari Tribble, and it was so powerful and true in real-world, verifiable ways, that I was left literally speechless (a rare thing for me) and convinced that there had to be something to this whole channeling and energy reading thing. It set me off on a journey of self-discovery…guided meditations, energy healings, past-life regressions, etc. And a funny thing started happening…each time I had a reading or a healing, the person would invariably mention that I was a really strong channel. At first I was just like, “OMG, thank you so much” and then would forget about it, because I just didn’t believe it — who, moi?!…but finally, a couple years later and after some really strong encouragement from Kari, I purchased a tarot card deck and started learning more about it.

At first, I just practiced on myself and would pull a few cards for friends. I was amazed at how accurate those readings were, but I was still too intimidated to go off-script, so to speak, and instead stuck very closely to the written descriptions of each card. It wasn’t until I purchased an Angel deck by Doreen Virtue that everything started to click for me. Tarot is a wonderful medium for a lot of people, but the original Rider-Waite-Smith deck always felt a little too gory for me, and I was often overwhelmed by all the different imagery meanings, the varied interpretations, and complicated-to-me spreads. In comparison, Angel cards felt so straightforward, which made me feel more confident that I was giving the right answer, and in turn, that allowed me to also relax a little and tap in to see what else was coming up.

When I started doing that…holy wow. I realized I could actually see and connect with people’s spirit guides through readings, and I learned to really trust myself and what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling during a reading. The people I was reading for started to strongly encourage me to do it professionally, so I decided to do a weekend-long trial run of professional readings for the women in my favorite private FB group (what’s up, Unladylike!). I was TERRIFIED that I was going to read for these virtual strangers and nothing was going to come through and I was going to realize I was actually a hack and had just been making up stuff, so I said a crap-ton of prayers and just focused on letting my Divine guides work through me and sort of just surrendered myself to the process. What happened next was miraculous. The readings were so light-filled and powerful and FUN…people were laughing, bursting into tears, shouting HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT, and/or just staring at me with their mouth agape. Which I share, but can’t take credit for. That weekend in particular taught me that I am literally just a willing vessel for spirit to communicate through, and my job is to merely serve others through this ability. Which isn’t to say I don’t get anything out of it — I love giving readings, and getting to hang out with my super rad client base and work with their spirit guides (which are basically Heaven’s version of the coolest humans in the universe) and play with spiritual gifts and actually help people by providing magical clarity for them…I mean, it’s literally the coolest job in the world.

What is an Oracle card reading?

Oracle card readings are messages divined from what I call your spirit squad — your spirit guides, angelic guardians, ancestors, Ascended Masters, other assorted Guardians of Light, and Source. I like to think of Oracle readings as light-filled instructions for how to do this life…they tend offer a lot of concrete, divine guidance on not just what you’re shifting out of or currently experiencing or what might be coming next, but also what you can do in order to elevate your experience through all of it.

How would someone know they should come to get a reading?

If you’re feeling stuck, blind to a certain area in your life, or unsure of what direction you should take, a reading can be really helpful for providing both clarity AND concrete tips for how to move forward.

It’s also really good for opening you up to the miraculous — so much stuff tends to come through in a reading that pertains specifically to connecting with your guides or learning more about your spiritual gifts. Also, if you’re really curious about your spirit guides but feel like you’re struggling to connect with them, a good reading will give you a fuller picture of who they are and how to more aptly recognize their presence and guidance.

What can someone expect to happen during an Oracle card reading?

We’ll start with a sweet little attunement to get you relaxed and opened to the process, we’ll call in the Divine and ask for its sacred protection, and then we’ll talk about what kind of information you’re seeking from the reading — specific questions are great, but general readings are also really fun, because a lot of times your spirit guides are gonna wanna step in and drive the bus, anyway.

And then I’ll “tap in” while shuffling the cards…my particular method is shuffling until the cards pop out, which can either be a bit of a boring process for the person I’m reading for, or it can be hilarious because — especially if this is the first time the guides have your full attention — the cards will just immediately fly all over the place. Then, it really does all depend on where your guides want to go…sometimes we’ll go through the cards, one by one, tapping into what each one means for you (it’s always vastly different for each person), and sometimes the cards become totally moot because your guides just want to dialogue without wasting any time on the cards. More and more, I’ve been seeing that the cards are merely becoming a conduit to opening up communication for the guides, and sometimes, hours before I even start the reading, they’ll start coming in with clear messages and physical sensations that they are excited for me to communicate.

Another thing you can DEFINITELY expect during a reading is a LOT of pop culture references. Because our spirit guides and angelic guardians know us so intimately, they also know exactly how to communicate with us in a way that ensures we “get” it …so it’s probably no surprise to anyone I know that my own guides use a ton of references to movies, music, reality TV, etc, to get a specific message across to me. Which is super fun and makes me laugh a lot. So if you’re expecting a very somber, mysterious, trippy experience full of poetic jargon, this will not be that. We’ll probably laugh a lot, throw around a lot of #CoolYouth slang, and talk about something on Bravo at least once.

Then we’ll end by saying thank you to our guides and Source, close up the divine connection, and then send you off to live your magical life with a renewed combo of clear direction and wonderment.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about getting an Oracle card reading?

That everything that comes up in the reading needs to perfectly apply to you at the exact time of the reading in order for it to be considered accurate. I always encourage everyone to record our readings, because I cannot tell you how many times I or a client has walked away from a reading thinking, “Hmm, I’m not sure about that one part, that didn’t really connect,” only to review the reading notes a few months or a year later and be shocked speechless by how accurate that turned out to be. To quote Mean Girls, when it comes to the Divine and the concept of time, the limit does not exist…and we’re also all operating at the intersection of pre-destination and free will, so trying to nail an event with an exact age or date, etc, often just sets us up for useless expectation. That’s not to say that a ballpark figure won’t come through…sometimes it does, but a common teachable moment that our guides love to take advantage of when it comes to this topic is explaining that it’s not about how long it’s going to take until a thing happens for us…it’s how long it’s going to take us to be truly ready for it. So when we ask, “How many more years until I find my soulmate?” we’re asking the wrong question. “What do I need to do to start calling in my soulmate?” is a much better question that will provide you with WAY more clarity and insight.

Get in touch with Amber

You can dig into more about me and some of the other stuff I do over at; you can also connect with me on Instagram at @YourFriendAC

If you want to learn more about the readings services I offer and/or book a reading, head over to And, because I love Ur Beginner Witch so much, readers will get a sweet 15% off with the code URBEGINNERWITCH when they book a reading of their choice!



UR Beginner Witch
UR Beginner Witch

Written by UR Beginner Witch

Deep diving into all things magical… so you don’t have to. Yet!

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