House clearing and blessing with Frannie Dassier of Energy Works Healers

UR Beginner Witch
10 min readMay 15, 2019


Pine cone, Cedar bundle and rattle

Type of reading:

LOTS of sage, card pulling for the intention of each room, blessings and chants… An all around party, if you ask me.

TL;DR my experience:

Do you want your house to not have ghosts and weird energy in it? Me, too. That’s why I invited Frannie over to make sure my house is a good vibes only place. And OMG, we got that energy flowing JUST right. Now everyone can come over to my house for margaritas with ZERO PERCENT GHOSTS.

My personal reading for my house

Do your own house clearings and blessings!

Sisters Frannie and Nadine Dassier of Energy Works Healers are hosting a class to talk more about clearing energy from your house to make sure it’s always fresh and clean.

And it’s only $25. A steal. Find out all the details for the event here:

Here’s what happened during our session:

A few days before Frannie came over, she had me write down the intentions for my new space. To be honest, I googled some ideas because I never want to miss the opportunity to incorporate a good blessing. What if I forgot to include WEALTH AND POWER or happiness into my blessings? Cannot have that.

We started outside my front door and introduced ourselves to the spirits and energies in the land and in the house. Can’t be spookin’ the spooks. We said a prayer and a blessing before going back inside to lay the groundwork for the clearing work.

We went room by room to check out the flow of energy with a pendulum and then went back to each room to pull cards for each room purpose and intention. I’m going to focus on the two rooms that had the most going on: the basement and the master bedroom.

The Basement:

The basement in my new house is mostly the garage with a tiny entry room that doesn’t have an immediate purpose. The energy was stagnant and not moving in most areas of the room when Frannie tested with a pendulum. If energy is moving, the pendulum will spin in a big circle and if it’s not moving it will not move or move in a straight line back and forth.

Frannie placed all the reiki symbols and angelic symbols into each corner three times to help start get the energy moving. Then she connected with the spirits of the land and any ascended masters/helpers to see how we can clear the energy.

I know it’s a basement but there was a weird energy imprint left by the last owner. A troll on the internet was a strong possibility (WEIRD! DON’T BE THAT PERSON!).

Ganesh was one of the ascended masters that stepped forward and helped to remove any negative, residual energies. To help, we chanted, rattled and clapped to get the energy moving.

Once the good vibes were flowing, I read my intentions for my new house to anchor them into the foundations.

Then we picked cards! We used 5 different decks, including a dragon deck.

Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Deck and Kuan Yin Oracle Deck
The Divine Feminine Oracle Deck, Dragon Oracle Deck and Archangel Oracle Deck
From Left to Right: Beloved One (Archangel Chamuel), Earth and Water Dragon, Fertility, Machig Labdron and Clear your Space (Archangel Jophiel)

The cards were pretty straight forward (hello, Clear your Space!) and were there to help set intentions and grow my goals into the foundations of the house. Very cool, Spirits.

There is also a cat door in the basement going into the garage. I do not have a cat and so I asked Frannie if I should use it for something else. There were very strong fairy elementals in the basement and they were excited that it could be used as a house for them. So that’s what I’m going to do — add a fairy statue and then leave them offerings.

The last thing that wanted to be anchored into the space were two crystal elements: Selenite and Orgonite. Orgonite is a substance made of resin, metals and quartz that balances and harmonizes bio-energy, otherwise known as orgone, chi or prana.

Orgonite has been popping up everywhere in my life for the last six months. When I was in Bali, it started appearing in almost every shop I went in to. Even though I was super drawn to it, I didn’t buy any. And then when I was in Montreal a few weeks ago, it showed up again and now it wants to be anchored in my basement. Reading you loud and clear, orgonite. You are welcome in my house!

The Master Bedroom:

A little ghostie was in here! A confused spirit that was snagged on some dark elementals. Don’t worry, we got rid of that action, PRONTO. It took some convincing to leave but we burned a bunch of sage, called on some archangel back-up and the ghost (and dark elementals) was escorted into the light.

Because this is where I’m going to spend a lot of time, we pulled seven cards.

All the cards were about manifesting my true path and aligning with my soul wisdom. Lifting and shifting. Stepping into my power, which is a great vibe for my bedroom. I love that the Cosmic Egg/Divine Feminine was pulled for this room. For me, it represents the ultimate creative card. Lots of ideas are born in this room. I can’t wait to get dreaming (literally and figuratively!)

Thor (Thor’s dragon was also pulled for this room!) and Uriel (archangel of wisdom) came forward, wanting to be anchored in my bedroom and Lakshmi (good fortune and prosperity) wanted to be anchored particularly in the closet. We welcomed them, asked them to stay and to continue working their magic with me.

Thor, Archangel Uriel and Lakshmi

House Overall:

At the end, we did an overall reading for the house. Here are a few of the overall vibes that showed up:

Totems: Owl & Beaver

Tree: Pink Silk Tree (known as the tree of joy!) and Kamani (beauty, clairvoyance and intuition) wanted to be planted in my home.

Dragons: Lilac Fire Dragon (love, peace and joy), Golden Atlantean Dragon (remembering divine wisdom) and Water Dragon (remover of obstacles)

Goddesses: Lalla (words to power), Thecla (honing your true power) and Brigid (shine bright!)

From Left to Right: Dragon Oracle, Divine Feminine Oracle and Sacred Geometry (plus Amber burning in the cauldron!)

Get to know Frannie in a few short(ish) questions!

Who are you?

I am Frannie (Francoise) Dassier Co-Founder (with my amazing sister Nadine Dassier ) of Energy Works Intuitive Healers! I am a Master Energy Healer, Teacher, Medium, Intuitive, Psychic, and Visionary. I am so lucky to have been with my amazing sister through every step of this journey. Our Passion and My life purpose is to make Energy healing accessible to the entire planet- every individual to bring ease and healing to our everyday lives. I believe together, through healing, we will co-create a more compassionate loving, harmonious and peaceful experience on Earth. As each individual heals and opens to more love and happiness, the collective heals and the Earth heals. I want to take energy healing as a practice and concept from Woo-Woo to Whoo-Hoo!

What are your thoughts about magic? What is your understanding of magic?

Magic to me is multi-layered, multi-dimensional energies working together in ways we cannot see or understand. An almost completely intuitive process that we take part in everyday. Magic is multiple energies working in ways that we can’t quantify. The concept of Wu Wei this magical moment where the mind, body and soul are working as one no thought just synchronicity. Yet magic is beyond all that. It is the way that love, not the concept, but the energy of love transforms everything-even on the very physical material plane here on Earth.

How did you get started with energy clearing?

When I was little I had a couple experiences seeing loved ones who had crossed over. I had already begun awakening to my extra senses but seeing/feeling them confirmed to me the existence of the spirit or metaphysical world. I knew there was so much we didn’t know happening all around us. It was terrifying and comforting all at once. It seemed like I had stumbled upon a truth that many adults did not understand.

When I was a teenager my empathetic gifts became supercharged. Not only could I feel other people’s feelings but on contact (hug or hand holding, hand shake) I would sometimes have visions of them and receive a clear message from my guides about them. They would warn me of things in a very non judgmental way (a very important sign you are hearing spirit and not you own thoughts!) I started doing Tarot readings when I was in high school. A breakthrough moment for me was a full year after doing a reading for a couple acquaintances I went to school with, they came to find me (at the coffee shop I did reading at :)) and asked me how their readings had been so accurate. They told me all the things that I said would happen and how they played out and how much it helped them. I was surprised! this was further proof to me that these “psychic” senses are real and can help people! I did not want to just do readings I wanted to help people heal. It was obvious that I needed to start with me, my own healing journey. From childhood trauma, emotional and physical abuse to a sexual assault in my teens made me the perfect person see how energy healing could change my life! I wanted to use my skills and channel them into ways to heal myself so I could really let go of the past and live a happy and fulfilled life! I practiced and studied meditation, guided meditation, visualization, affirmations, intention dreaming (law of attraction) and I learned Qi Gung with Master Lin an amazing experience!

Through these practices I was successful at working in fields I became deeply Passionate about; Environmental and Social justice then working with people with disabilities aka differently gifted humans while studying energy medicine and traditional medicine from every continent. It was amazing how much the simple energy tools I learned and practiced made a difference for me, my fellow employees and all the people I served in that field! I studied as many modalities as I could. Finally I could wait no longer. I called my sister (who had been on a similar but very much her own amazing journey) and said let start a healing clinic!

How did you get into house clearing?

A friend of mine let me throw a party at his parent’s old mansion on Summit Avenue in Saint Paul. This was a pretty old place not super fancy. We had a lot of fun and a good group of people were there for the entire night. After you walk in the house to the right there is a long stairway and underneath it directly across from the front door was a bathroom. During this party I had several of my friends come up to me and say what’s up with the bathroom it feels weird when I go in there. I had noticed but as usual assumed Iwas the only one. I went back to check it out and by that time I believe I had 5 or 6 people following me. We all came to that conclusion we believe someone had died there. My friend was not into metaphysical anything. When we asked him if he knew the history and if someone had died there he got very angry. He said one of you found out! He asked if we looked at the history of the house or the area and…. we were teenagers, so no of course not! We just knew!

Why should someone clear their house?

All kinds of experiences can imprint in your home from the extreme experiences of someone crossing over to the other side to arguments and joyful occurrences as well.

When we need is some space from the people and the world that that we love so much (or not), we stay in the comfort of our home. Whether it’s a studio apartment or a large home it is the space where we process our experiences our emotions and thoughts.

Our spaces have energy of their own but it also has Energy that it has absorbed from us processing or communicating with each other or even having an argument. Also when we move into a new space it has the energy of other people who have lived There. Many spaces Also have some negative energies that they’ve absorbed or entities as well as a spirit that has passed from this dimension (death is a less accurate term when one is a medium). These are actually pretty easy to convince to leave negative energy however can be stronger and take longer to clear.

You can tell that your space needs clearing if you have trouble sleeping or you are having weird dreams are your space just doesn’t feel good to you.

It can actually be a great tool for you to clear energy and bring powerful positive energy into your life. Once you clear your space I recommend checking out the Feng Shui bagua to help the energy of you home flow.

Quick Easy Tips!

  • Keep the toilet seat down to restrict energy leaking
  • Open window shades to let some light in every day.
  • Cleaning in general, especially with vinegar, thieves or tea tree oil actually cleanses the energy of your space as well!

Get in touch with Frannie:

To schedule a house clearing, blessing, or a private sessions with Frannie, contact her below:






Nadine- my sisters YouTube channel Energyworks444




Energy Works Healers



UR Beginner Witch
UR Beginner Witch

Written by UR Beginner Witch

Deep diving into all things magical… so you don’t have to. Yet!

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